Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Professional Issues of Information Technology

Question: Doiscuss about the Professional Issues of Information Technology. Answer: Introduction: Even though Joe is a student, and might fail in considered himself as an IT (Information Technology) Professional, but being the student of the ACS (Australian Computer Society), he is expected to follow the Code. This code contains in the tenet on Priorities, under 1.2 that the members have to preserve the security, and under 1.3, they have to respect the proprietary nature of the information belonging to others, as is stated under 2.4. The tenet regarding professionalism under 6.2 provides that the members have to refrain from knowingly getting indulged in the dishonest practices. The members of the Association for Computing Machinery are required to adhere to the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The General Moral Imperatives contained under this code, contain the obligations of the ACM members. This includes the obligation under 1.5 to honor the property rights. The specific professional responsibilities are also contained in this code, which includes 2.3, to know and to respect the existent laws which are related to the professional work; and the 2.8 the obligation to access the communication and computing resources only when the person has been authorized to do so. Even a student is required to follow this Code of ethics, before they become computing professionals. In the given case, Joe clearly breached all the tenets stated in the ACS Code of Ethics, as he failed to respect the information which belonged to other and which he was not authorized to use. As a student, he was reasonably aware of the Code of Ethics and yet he knowingly used the information, even when he was not given the authorization. And in doing so, he failed to preserve the security of the information. Also, the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct had to be followed by Joe, which he breached by accessing the property without the authority of doing so. He failed to honor the property rights, and respect the laws. Moreover, the obligation 2.8 regarding accessing the communication and computing resources without authorization, was totally breached. So, the actions of Joe did violate the property rights. The actions of Joe have affected not only his prospects at the university, but also the instructor, the individual whose information was present on the computer system he used, which includes all the students, as the computer was of the campus and it contained information pertaining to such students over its network, in addition to the computer centre operators. The instructor is one of the key persons who are affected by the actions of Joe. This is because he had allotted the task to Joe and when Joe tried reaching him, he could not be reached. So, when the action is brought against Joe, he would clearly blame the instructor. The individuals whose information is on the computer, have all been affected, as the computer was accessed by a person without authorization, and this puts their information at a risk of being misused. Along with this, the computer centre operators could also be affected, as a person who did not have the authorization was able to access the systems, which puts the security of the whole system at risk. So, the actions of Joe have created a chain reaction of problems for a number of people. Had I been in the position of Joe, I would have ensured that the ACS Code of Ethics, as well as, the ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct was followed completely. Being an IT student, I am bound to follow these ethics in the future and so, I would make sure that I inculcate the habit of following them from now only. And in case I face similar circumstances as Joe, I would make certain that either I get the right authorization to access the system or ensure that the person having such authorization is present when such is needed, and if such person is not available, then wait for the arrival of a person who does have the requisite authorization. World Wide Web In this day and age, where nearly every person has access to internet, it becomes difficult to ascertain which information over the website is authentic and which is not. This is because, anyone with a working computing system and a web connectivity, can put anything over the internet, which may or may not have any ounce of truth behind it. And a few clicks here and there can fetch the results on creating a website. So, the question is often raised, how can one validate that the information that is being read over a website is really the truth or is a pure faade? In order to evaluate this, one should always look at certain key points. These include: The sponsor of the page: when a person opens up a website, the first wordings after the term www consists of the name of the organization or the individual behind the website. For instance, the government websites https://www.australia.gov.au/information-and-services/it-and-communications shows that this is an Australian Government website. And when the sponsor or source of any website can be authenticated, as in the given case, it can be deemed that the information provided by such website is genuine. Contact Information: If a website is able to provide the full address and contact details, it is probably an authentic website and the material on such website can be trusted. Though, often fake contact information is provided, so this criterion has to be used with the other criteria stated here. Does any other website show similar information?: In case one comes across a website, which states something, which cannot be found anywhere else, this means there is no backing to the information and so, it is probably fake. Time: An individual also has to consider if the website is active and provides latest information. If the information is not dated, then the copyright should be checked to judge if the website is active. For instance, a website depicts some information, which has no date and has a copyright of 2000; in such case, it is better to ignore such information. Objectivity: the information which is provided over the internet is one side, or evaluates both the sides can also determine if the information is correct. In case a website keeps only one point of view or reflects an opinion which is completely against a particular group, then it is a possibility that a page is sponsored by a certain group, which makes the information unreliable. Authentic: The information provided is from an established or authentic source or not is also to be noted. If the information provided on the website is cited from different sources, then such information is definitely credible. Moreover, websites which provide things like privacy statement, terms and conditions, about and the like are information whose information can be relied upon. There are also instances, where the authentic websites display certain information, where a disclaimer is put that the information contained is the views of the author and not of the website. Even such information is authentic due to the reliability and disclaimer. Apart from this, things like domain name, the Top Level Domain, for instance, .com, .gov, .au, also provide the validity to the content of a website. The websites which turns the web address in green are indicator of safe websites, which have authentic backing and hence, can be trusted upon. Another way of authentication is the ability to edit the information on the website. If the information can be easily edited by anyone then the information might always not be right, for instance, Wikipedia, where anyone can create an account an edit the information, without providing any evidence for the provided information. By evaluating all these points, a person can ascertain the authenticity of the information on a website. Lastly, one should always consider their personal judgment to evaluate if the website does feel reliable. References The University of Western Australia. (2016). Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics [Online]. Available: https://teaching.csse.uwa.edu.au/units/CITS3200/ethics/acs-ethics.htm O. K. Burmeister. (2016). Applying The ACS Code Of Ethics [Online]. Available: https://www.homeworkmarket.com/sites/default/files/qx/15/04/03/09/acs_reading_3_applying_the_acs_code_of_ethics_0.pdf Association for Computing Machinery. (2016). ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct [Online]. Available: https://www.acm.org/about-acm/acm-code-of-ethics-and-professional-conduct ACM. (2016). Using the New ACM Code Of Ethics In Decision Making [Online]. Available: https://www.acm.org/about/p98-anderson.pdf ACM Ethics. (2016). ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct [Online]. Available: https://ethics.acm.org/code-of-ethics The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. (2016). How to Judge the Reliability of Internet Information [Online]. Available: https://www.mhhe.com/mayfieldpub/webtutor/judging.htm University of St. Augustine. (2016). Criteria for Evaluating the Accuracy/Validity of a Website [Online]. Available: https://usa-document.com/lb/Evaluating%20Websites.pdf United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. (2016). Criteria Used in Evaluating Web Resources [Online]. Available: https://unfccc.int/essential_background/library/items/1420.php Larry Johnson Annette Lamb. (2013). Evaluating Internet Resources [Online]. Available: https://eduscapes.com/tap/topic32.htm Lee College. (2016). How Can I Tell if a Website is Reliable? [Online]. Available: https://www.edb.utexas.edu/petrosino/Legacy_Cycle/mf_jm/Challenge%201/website%20reliable.pdf Who Is Hosting This. (2016). How to Search and Determine Credible Sources on the Internet [Online]. Available: https://www.whoishostingthis.com/resources/credible-sources/

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